The Pathfinder Chorus, of Fremont, NE, returned home from the Barbershop Harmony Society International Competition in Toronto as the tenth best chorus worldwide in the barbershop harmony federation. The Chorus Finals, held Friday, July 5th, in Toronto, Canada, consisted of the 29 Chorus finalists from ~ 840 groups around the globe, coming from as far away as Australia and the United Kingdom.

This year marks the fourth consecutive International Competition for the Pathfinders, and they have the additional distinction of being the most consistently improving chorus in the Society, moving up each year since their international debut at 20th in 2010. The chorus has existed continually since 1972, and their 100+ members come from a 20,000 square mile area each Monday evening, 7-10 pm, to rehearse at the First Presbyterian Church at West Linden & Nye Avenue in Fremont, NE. Men of all ages who like to sing are invited to visit and experience firsthand this fast-growing, Top Ten world-ranked chorus.

Their next performances are at the Cuming County Fair on August 11, and at the Rose Theatre in Omaha for the River City Organ Society on August 18. To obtain recordings or tickets for upcoming performances, please visit the chapter web site For more information on becoming a member, call Michael Petry, Membership VP, 402-598-5816.


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