
Showing posts from 2007

The Mormons, PBS (4hours), April 30 and May 1, 2007

Part 1 of the Mormons showed the origins and early history of the church. Part 2 described the modern day church. Part 1 seemed to include many more critics of the church than did Part 2, which seemed to be more fair and balanced. My sense is that the creators of this documentary found Mormonism's origins and its 19th century history troubling. The conclusion of the four hour documentary quoted a source as saying that most religions have left their origins behind. The question, he posed, is whether Mormonism would be able to "move beyond its own creation" and thus survive in the future. What I believe this source and the writers failed to understand is that the whole essence and strength of Mormonism is the personal testimonies of the members that Joseph Smith was a prophet. Mormonism will never be able to leave its prophetic origins behind, because that is what makes the church what it is.

The Prestige

Review by Anny Looking for something that will make you think and keep you guessing till the very end? If so, you will enjoy The Prestige , starring Hugh Jackman, Christian Bale, Michael Caine, and Scarlett Johansson, among others. The film takes place in London in a time when magicians were the celebrities. Two young magicians (Jackman & and Bale) work to become the best they can, the big faces in the show, learning from the already existing great magicians. But when the most dangerous of acts becomes gruesome tragedy, it turns the two of them into enemies, who will stop at nothing to destroy each other. Magic becoming more important to them then their own families, the two men begin to damage not only each other but also their loved ones. When the new invention of electricity is combined with elements of their magic and cruelty to each other, the story becomes even more twisted and leaves the lives of everyone around them unpredictable. The film based on a book of the same title ...